Chicago, Illinois
This partnership brings together the schools from Area 21 in Chicago Public Schools (CPS) with Network for College Success, a local networking group based at the University of Chicago, and Targeted Leadership. Our collaboration to improve student achievement at the high schools began in the Fall of 2008. A second cohort was added to the training and implementation work in Fall 2010.
Our services included:
- Training principals and teacher leaders in the use of tools and processes relevant to the district’s strategic plan for Performance Management in order to monitor and support instructional improvement efforts.
- Facilitating Guided Visits between the schools, including Targeted Learning Walks.
- Training and support for the planning and implementation of Cycles of Professional Learning.
- Coaching and supporting the Area 21 Chief Academic Officer, staff, and the NCS Coaches
Here are the results:
The following charts represent the growth seen by schools in this district: